Blogger Template Codes: Top 10 Professional Blogger Plugins, Code, and Blogger Template Plugins. 

This post will show you the 10 best professional blogger plugins that you can use in your blog on Blogger. 

I consider this list the best list of professional blogger plugins widely used in the popular blogger template codes.

These amazing plugins are HTML blogger codes, and some of the others are JavaScript plugins, and you can add these codes to your blog on Blogger to make your blog look professional and beautiful because if your blog is eye-catchy,it increases the chance to get more traffic and professional-looking blogs always do better than a normal blog.

Read also:👇

At the bottom, you will find the best blogger plugins, which I use in my blogs,  

You need to know how to add them to the Blogger blog Easly.

Add a table of contents: (Best Pro Plugin)

Adding a table of contents is one of the most important professional additions that you should add to your blog on Blogger. Adding a table of contents has great importance in preparing the article for search engines.

It is an HTML code that is placed inside the article, and it contains text links that refer to the subheadings within the article.

I already have an entire article about the table of contents and how to add it to the blogger blog; see it now.

Learn more about adding a table of contents

Add the keyword tool at the bottom of the article.

Adding keywords or the keyword tool is also one of the most important additions that you can add to the Blogger blog, as it includes keywords at the bottom of the article.

This tool does not display the keywords, but rather the labels to which the topic belongs. From here, you can put the keywords in the form of Labels when writing the topic.

Consequently, the keywords you put as labels appear in the article at the end of the topic.

 * Some of these tools have a unique explanation on the blog, while others will have a different explanation and add it to the blogger blog with time; Therefore, I advise you to subscribe to the mailing list or put the site in the BookMarks list. 

Add a Share Article tool.

Adding a tool Share the article on Blogger blog topics encourages the reader to share your article on social media pages, increasing visitors and increasing interaction on your site.

This tool is also straightforward, and it is an HTML code that you put at the bottom of the article, and it contains links to share your article on the pages of various social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter, etc.

Add distinctive Arabic fonts.

Adding Arabic fonts to Blogger blog or changing the article font in Blogger blog is necessary. Choosing a good, simple, and easy-to-read font will make reading your article a wonderful and comfortable thing for the eye.

As you can see, I use the "roaming" font, which is a beautiful and simple font, and I advise you to add only two fonts to Blogger blog, as adding many fonts increases your blog's download time.

And learn from here on a list of the best Arabic fonts suitable for the web and websites.

I have previously explained how to add Arabic font to Blogger blog; see the explanation to change the article's font.

Check out how to change your essay font.

Add an ad exchange tool.

An ad exchange tool or an advertising tool is a code that contains links to friendly sites; it includes links to sites that you think are useful to your audience, or you have agreed with its owner to create a textual advertising exchange.

This tool is often placed in the sidebar or at the bottom of the page. And my advice is to do an ad exchange with good sites that publish content close to the content you provide.

Please find out how to add a tool to advertise with us.

Add also read.

Have you ever browsed a site and saw an addition to read also? Yes, it is a popular plugin, and many bloggers use it; and I don't differ from them, and I use this plugin a lot.

Add Read also or see code from Blogger code that contains links to topics related to the article you write.

For example, these topics below I think you will like:

Read also:

Blogger Templates: Top 5 Very Professional Blogger Templates for Blogger Blog, Technical Blogger Templates

Free professional blogger template without rights, download the best technical excellent blogger template.

Robots.txt file, Site map file, Ads.txt file, Blogger blog

The Read addition can also be added to the Blogger blog using JavaScript so that it is added to the topics completely automatically.

You can also add it manually in every topic, and I  will prefer this method as I choose the topic that will benefit the reader of the article I write.

Let us move on to the supplement similar to that of the Read also; It is adding related topics or, as some call it, adding issues that may interest you.

Add related topics.

Related topics or topics of interest to you is an excellent addition to the Blogger blog, which displays topics related to the written article and in the same section below the article's content.

This add-on differs from the Read addition also in that it is also at the end of the article and contains pictures of related topics.

This add-on is considered one of the Blogger add-ons designed with the JavaScript programming language, and it is one of the professional plugins for Blogger.

Add sections of the blog with beautiful icons.

Blog sections or the links bar next to the site logo is one of the most important additions to the Blogger blog, facilitating moving between sections and topics of the blog.

And many want to add sections to a blog with font Awesome icons next to those sections, just as I do on my blog.

Check here: How to add Font Awesome to Blogger Blog.

Find out how to add sections of the blog to Blogger.

Add follow us on social networking pages.

There is no doubt that social media pages are a great way to keep in touch with your audience and followers, so adding those pages to your site is a great way to attract your visitors and keep them informed and informed of your latest topics.

As I mentioned earlier, you can add social media icons using Font Awesome, as it is an excellent font with which you can add various social media icons. 

Add a button to like the topic.

And finally, adding the Like button, this wonderful addition that adds a kind of interaction within your topics, which I use personally to know some statistics about the opinions of readers regarding the topics.

This tool is present in the Blogger platform, but you have to activate it, and it simply offers the reader a set of options to choose his opinion on the topic.

In the end, you can tell me your opinion about this article, either in the comments or by using the like button below.

Some additions do not explain my blog, so I have not attached a way to add them to the Blogger blog. With time, I will explain how to add all these codes and additions, and I will put you the link to the article explaining each addition.